Admission et cout des formations

Tuition fees

There are two levels of tuition fees at Higher School of Computer and Technology Studies. Undergratuade tuition fees and gratuade tuition fees. Undergraduate tuition fees are capped at 600 000 fCFA a year and the graduate tuition fees are capped at 900 000 fCFA. It is agreed that payment can be made in one or two equal instalments i.e. one instalment in semester one and the second in semester two. Tuition fees are due in full and will be payable upon validation of registration. They are payable in two ways: payment cash and payment in installments, according to the schedule indicated in the financial conditions.

Regarding the vocation training, fees are paid according the program and is defined based on the number of courses associated to the program.

For the BTS and HND tuition fees are capped at 300 000 fCFA a year.


The student acknowledges that he/she has been informed of the fact that the School may require its students to produce creations (works) on various tangible or intangible media as part of their academic curriculum.

The student agrees to grant the School, as and when they are created, the right to use the works produced within the framework of the student’s course of study at the School, namely, the right of reproduction, the right of representation and the right of adaptation, as defined below:

  1. a) Reproduction rights

This right includes the right to reproduce directly or indirectly (all or part of) the works, by all technical processes known or unknown to date (including

printing, photocopying, computer storage, downloading, digitization, optonumeric, etc. …), on all media known or unknown to date (including paper, magnetic, optical, electronic, computer, digital, etc. …) and in all formats and all definitions.

  1. b) Right of representation

This right includes the right to represent to the public, to exhibit, to make accessible, to broadcast, to communicate and to make available to the public all or part of the works in any way, directly or indirectly, by all processes known or unknown to this day, by all vectors of communication in particular by the digital networks and information (Internet network, leaflets, posters, social networks, or others), Web TV, electronic networks, optical and mobile telephone networks, on all supports and in all formats and all definitions.

  1. c) Right to adapt

The assigned rights include, among others,

(i) The right to adapt or have adapted, directly or indirectly, all or part of the works, in any format and any definition, and in particular the right to digitize, crop and resize them;

(ii) The right to use one or more of the elements of the works, either alone or in combination with other works;

(iii) The right to translate or have translated into any language all or part of the works;

(iv) The right to reproduce, cause to be reproduced, perform, or cause to be performed any or all of the adaptations provided for in this subsection (c).

The above rights are granted:

For free use, only in the context of communication, presentation and promotion of the School and its programs, particularly during School events, open houses, fairs, forums, exhibitions;

For the entire duration of the student’s schooling at the School, as well as for an additional period of five (5) years from the day the student definitively ceases all schooling at the School;

To the benefit of the School and its beneficiaries, totally free of charge, and consequently without any financial consideration or indemnity of any kind whatsoever.


In case of access to an e-learning platform of the School, the student will have to accept beforehand the general conditions of use posted online.

Class attendance

Three possibilities are offered to students to follow classes in the higher School of computer and Technology studies:

  • Fa to face classes: students are obliged to be in the campus to attempt courses delivered by lecturers;
  • Online classes: student follows classes from the eLearning platform developed for this purpose;
  • Hybrid attendance: Students physically attends classes in the campus, but can also choose to attend some classes online.

For the two last options, customized social medias are defined for students to exchange with teaching staff in order to help them mastering courses and their associated applications. Nevertheless, all students are required to take part physically to all the evaluations associated to chosen courses.

Industrial cooperation

HiSCoTS  has signe an agreement with SIMI , a Chinese company working of the design an d manufacturing of computers, smartphones and  other IT devices. Based on this agreement. HiSCoTS will put in place with the support

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